Hi there ๐ !!
I have come back with part 3 of Javascript array methods.
In this part, we are going to discuss map(), forEach(), reduce() and filter() methods.
Let's begin! ๐ฅ
1. forEach()
It executes the provided function for each element of the array.
Array.forEach(function(currElement, index, arr)
//perform operation on currElement
The function which is written inside of forEach() will run for each element of the array.
currElement - as the name suggests, it is the curr value or element of the array.
index (OPTIONAL) - it is the index of the current element.
arr (OPTIONAL) - it is the array of the current element.
let items = ["apple", "gavava", "mango"];
items.forEach( function(curr) {
// apple
// gavava
// mango
items.forEach( function(curr, idx, arr) {
arr[idx] = "This is " + arr[idx];
console.log(items); // ['This is apple', 'This is gavava', 'This is mango']
Using Arrow function
let items = ["apple", "gavava", "mango"];
items.forEach(curr => {
// apple
// gavava
// mango
We can also define the function outside the forEach() method.
see the example below:
function myFun(curr){
// apple
// gavava
// mango
2. map()
Unlike forEach() it does not change the original array instead it creates a new array by calling the provided function on each element of the original array.
Array.map(function(currElement, index, arr){
Let us see the example,
let marks = [79,98,95,60];
let updatedMarks = marks.map(function(curr){
return curr + 10;
console.log(marks); //[79, 98, 95, 60]
console.log(updatedMarks); //[89, 108, 105, 70]
updatedMarks = marks.map(myFun);
function myFun(ele){
ele = ele - 5;
return ele;
console.log(marks); //[79, 98, 95, 60]
console.log(updatedMarks); //[74, 93, 90, 55]
3. filter()
It creates a new array containing the elements which pass the condition provided in a function.
It does not change the original array.
Array.filter(function(currElement, index, arr){
Let us understand it through an example. Here the condition is curr > 80 . whichever element passes this condition will be considered a topper.
let marks = [79,98,95,60];
let toppers = marks.filter(curr => {
return curr > 80;
console.log(marks); //[79, 98, 95, 60]
console.log(toppers); //[98, 95]
4. reduce()
reduce() calls or executes the function over each element of the array and returns a single output value ( function's accumulated result ).
Array.reduce( function ( accumulator, currentElement ) { operation }, initialValue )
reduce function takes two arguments:
1) function
The function takes two parameter
accumulator - It is a temporary result, which stores the return value of the previous calculation.
currentElement - It represents the current element of the array.
2) initialValue - initial value of the accumulator
Let's see the examples:
1. Sum of array elements
const arr = [20,30,10,50,30];
let output = arr.reduce( function(acc, curr) {
return acc + curr;
} ,0)
console.log(output); // 140
//Arrow function
output = arr.reduce( (acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0 )
console.log(output); //140
2. The maximum value in the array
const maxValue = arr.reduce( (max, curr) => {
if(curr > max)
max = curr;
return max;
}, 0);
console.log(maxValue); // 50
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